Monday, August 26, 2024


 Contentment best describes the day Josh was born. A father has memories of his children. In Josh's case we both remember more. Josh was a special child from birth. He didn't learn to sleep for months and slow when. he came to talking he was a heart-grabber. Our neighbors in Windsor, CT fell in love with Josh. Adrienne Greenough  and "Walter Mahoney-Next door " both older folks without kids loved Josh. Mrs. Greenough called Josh "My Boy." Mr. Mahoney was an  old coot with a runny nose witnessed  greeting me at the bus stop .Josh ran towards me saying 'DA DA as I lifted my little son high in the sky with love. Mr. Mahoney approved of this gesture saying "you know some think I'm crazy but when I saw you greet your son I know I'm not!" Josh met with approval of family. Family movies with Gram & Pop reveal  a tiny toddler with  bib tops demonstrating great industry in stacking firewood. Josh has been a worker from the get get-go. He demonstrated a talent in working with his hands, and yes, his mouth! I feel selfish when I praise Josh to my friends. I'm afraid they don't understand what I mean. My stories are many and I know Heidi, Chase Robert, Lily, Maddie and Evie are the greatest benefactors of Josh's love. Happy 50th  Birthday Josh and thanks a million! Love, Pops.


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