Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Face it, not everybody can afford a retreat to warmer climes. Winter months can be very tricky if you don't lapse into premature sleep in lieu of boredom. I recall Mother Rita knitting her energies listening to the Silvertone console parlor radio. My poor father spent his maximum day swinging a carpenter's hammer so it is understandable why he slept before going to sleep!

As a boy my options were many: meteorology, philately, numismatics, old cars, old people, young girlfriends.. LoL. Further I was scorekeeper for NBHS basketball boys teaam. This is for openers. My love of antiques has its roots to two antique people: Mrs. Annie Wright and Col. George L. Wakefield! I also had a Sunday Telegram paper route at Twenty Cents the copy.

Seasonal work saw me at the Brookfield Orchards hammering pine risers to the top of a "full bushel." My life was full of adventure and mischief. What boy or girl should seek the alternative?

Today I spoke with my sister, Janet Rita who will "double them up" in less than a month.....Seventy-seven Sunset strip. Ours was the first Atomic family. Before that,we had more uncles and aunts than cats ! No matter what, lives in the forties were BT.. before television. Who can believe "Seventeen"?This is my new name for The Present Moment!

You better ratchet your old fashioned attitudes!

I have posted stamps of 1901. Pan-American Eposition. Way, way, way back! Now it's back to the future so Fasten your seatbelts!


Next Month 100th anniversary

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