Hi, Bob,
Your packages arrived this afternoon, and I have spent the evening reading and enjoying your writings.
Your reminiscences evoke so many memories for me.. near beer in basic, a mothers displeasure of her son going to Vietnam, Long Binh and the fear of being killed on the toilet by a booby trap. and the black market and MPCs, lacquer painted boards as souvenirs, prostitutes and VD, dashing Australian soldiers with their swashbuckling uniforms, Red Cross "donut dollies", the fierce sunlight in Vietnam, the interminable out-processing and travel home ....and more.
I love your blog, and I appreciate your kind words about my book.
All of your writings taken together reveal you to be one of those one of those rare individuals who are capable of finding fun, zest, and friendship in life regardless of circumstances . I admire you!
Thanks for sending your manuscripts. You made my day.
Best Regards,