I have reviewed my entire 2019 blog at length today. It is wonderful to review all of the happenings in my advancing years. Each season I refer to the weather and life's happenings. My BLOG is my journal. Events I completely forgot about come to life. You can do the same. And some of the photography is revealing.
Today I was going to have lobster to ring in the new year but when I saw the $11.99 price at Hannaford I said "PASS!"
Today I received a Diabetes Solution Kit in the mail. Published by Barton Publishing the information is from a "Diabetes Reversal Plan" to a "Grocery List." It is a good way to begin 2020! I must do my homework if I am to reverse my situation.
We eat so much of the wrong food and drink the wrong liquids.
A quiet night is planned. Don't plan on staying up much past my bedtime!
See you next year!